
SPU students like you have grown spiritually and in community through leading a Wesleyan Small Group.


名称: 蒂芙尼布兰科

灵魂护理一直是我生命中的一大幸事. It has guided me into a deeper understanding of what it means to come to Christ and to others as I am, 对倾听有更深的理解. 成为领导者, I have experienced a huge transformation in the way I encounter others, as I see firsthand the importance of listening to the variety of realities of what it is like for others to live in the world 今天. 灵魂关怀带来倾听, 奖学金, and presence to another level; it transforms a group of individuals into a community in which we look inward, and we nurture a sacred space where we are free to be ourselves and come as we are - a unique and special gift to our campus.



名称: 戴安娜·阿尔瓦拉多·格雷罗

My experience with SoulCare has been a blessing because it gives me a sense of fulfillment since I had felt God calling me to do something new, 有点超出我的舒适区. 我决定把它命名为SoulCare,这是一次很棒的经历. I have grown in compassion because being a WSG leader allows me to remember the humanity of people. 当我还是大一新生的时候, one of the reasons I enjoyed being a member of my WSG was because of the diversity in my group. If I can be one of the reasons someone else feels a sense of comfort in a WSG, 那么我认为这也是一种巨大的祝福. Seeing the weeks go by and how people grow and share more with each other is a gift because I see the transformation in them and I often learn something new about 我自己. I enjoy being a WSG leader because although I never know what good the meeting will bring, 我总是带着微笑走出去.



名称: Kenzie陈

SoulCare为我提供了一种强烈的爱, 深入骨髓的, 以及毫不掩饰的以基督为中心的团体. 我的导师, 教授, 其他领导人也在我身上投入了很多, 为我提供了成长为领导者的工具. 沉浸在这个社区是一种福气, 尤其是在混乱而忙碌的网易彩票下载中! The meetings with both my mentor group and Wesleyan Small group are the highlights of my week, and through them I have been consistently challenged to cultivate a sacred space, 拥抱的脆弱性, 做最真实的自己.



名称: 塞西莉琼斯

SoulCare has been one of the most surprising blessings in my life that keeps giving back. 大一的时候被安排在WSG,我不知道该期待什么. I quickly grew to love my group and leader and the space provided to connect with others, 我自己, 以我从未想过的方式改变我的信仰. I chose to become a leader because I wanted to find and build community, 在某个地方,我因为自己的贡献而感到被重视. 来自一个很小的专业, 我努力寻找那种归属感, 所以当我听说有可能成为WSG的领导者时,我就欣然接受了. I was offered the chance to participate in something I felt made a difference within the SPU culture and blessed me with an amazing team to work with and friendships along the way. I’ve been blessed through involvement with student life and meeting new people I wouldn't have other ways. 我有幸拥有一个社区, 我最想要的东西, 以及对我所提供的感到自豪和自信的能力. SoulCare has been amazing to participate in and I'm excited to see what it continues to bless me with.



名称: 阿什利Tayor

Being a part of SoulCare has opened my eyes to the lived experiences of others, 这些经历是如何将网易彩票app彼此联系起来的, 以及这些经历如何影响网易彩票app的信仰和信仰表达. As a life-long learner who longs to feel the Holy Spirit at work in my life, the role of WSG leader has been a blessing as I've experienced the joys of showing love and providing support to others regardless of their background or identity. Being in a leadership role in the SoulCare program has helped me better understand and accept my calling as I practice using my faith to provide a safe and loving environment for others. 我在 SoulCare让我发展了对多样性的理解, 股本, and inclusion by placing me in groups that are diverse in every aspect of human existence; this has reawakened my longing to be a part of faith community, 因为听完之后的想法, 感情, 以及其他人的经历, 我意识到我可能是独一无二的,但我并不孤单.



名称: 路加福音亨利

It is difficult to put into words how much of a blessing being a part of SoulCare has been in my life. SoulCare has provided me with a safe and loving environment to grow as a person and follower of Christ. 我没有受到压力, but rather challenged by SoulCare to step into new environments with a selfless mindset and genuine interest in others' well-being. SoulCare has given me the opportunity to have a positive impact on people’s lives in a legitimate and meaningful way each week. I understand the significance of community more than ever before by seeing firsthand how it can positively impact me and others. I am truly thankful for the skills and blessings SoulCare has given me that will influence me for the rest of my life.



名称: 吉迪恩塞尤姆

Participating as a SoulCare leader has been an enormous blessing as it has given me a new way to minister to others as a follower of Christ, 更好地了解我的同龄人. 加入SoulCare之前, my perception of campus life was largely colored by my major and my friend group. However after joining SoulCare I have been blessed with the ability to connect with more students on campus and broaden my perspective of the SPU community. Being able to share faith journeys with others inspired my final synthesis project titled, 上帝之光的折射, where I artistically represented my experience leading a WSG and God’s ability to use our different experiences to spread the gospel. 为了说明这一点, I used the physical phenomena of light refraction in which several light rays pass through a convex lens and refract to create an image. 这种意象传达了与人的各种对话, 共同的记忆, 以及一些看似无关的情况, 特别是在我的WSG的那些下午, 折射成基督的启示. 参加SoulCare对我的网易彩票app有很大的启发 experience and broadened my perspective on what it means to minister to others.